circular saw

[ˈsə:kjulə sɔ:]
  • 释义
  • 圆锯;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    A riving knife was fitted in direct line 3 cm away from the circular saw bench level.


  • 2、

    Also we produce dado bado blades set and all kinds of diamond circular saw blades.


  • 3、

    A bullnecked lumberman guides them through a buzzing circular saw, slicing them into rough boards.


  • 4、

    Mainly Feature: Use induction motor, so that the handy Circular Saw true table Circular Saw's function.

    主要特征: 由于采用感应电机, 使手持式圆锯真正实现台式圆锯的性能.

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